The Problem with Downloadable PDF Forms

Tim McGuiness
August 17, 2021
It seems like a no-brainer. Convert your forms into PDFs, put them on your web site and your patients will show up with competed forms and everything runs a bit smoother. However, it’s not working out like you expected. Patients don’t bring in completed forms or only bring in partially completed forms and they still must finish in the office. Appointments continue to get pushed back. The efficiency you were promised never materialized. Why?

We’re going to review some of the most common patient and office frustrations, why they are occurring and some solutions to help.

Most Common Patient Frustrations:

1) It’s 2021, why can’t I complete my patient forms on my phone?

With 85% of people having smart phones there is no reason for a healthcare organization to not have a mobile friendly patient forms option.

2) So many steps to have to download, print, and remember to bring in printed forms.

The annoying steps are on top of every year we’re seeing fewer homes having access to printers.  Those homes that do have printers are commonly using old ones that can be frustrating to deal with since they are used so rarely.

3) Why is it so complicated to get everything to my doctor?

Every office and treatment are different, but with the needs of additional items like driver’s licenses, insurance cards, and other medical files it can be complicated process for patients to find and get everything together.  Shouldn’t there beany easy way?

Most Common Office Frustrations:

1) Incomplete patient forms.

There are many patients either not bringing forms with them at all or only partially filling out, which requires more work from the staff to work with patients on completing in the office where they could be focusing on other areas.

2) Hard to read patient forms.

Printed forms where patients are filling out by hand can be hard to read at times for staff which can drive manual entry errors or more time for the staff to go back to patients to double check information.

3) Delays from late patients not bringing in completed forms and having to fill out in the lobby when they’re already late.

This one is really a combination and frustrates everyone from the patient, to the staff, and the providers since nobody wants to be delayed and then requiring more work on top of that just adds to the frustration.

Patient PDF Forms is an area that can really drive frustration for patients and staff but often gets over looked since most people view PDF forms as the solution that has always been in place. Now, more and more practices are looking to improve this patient form process to improve patient satisfaction and staff productivity.  

Lobbie makes it easy to do HIPPA compliant web forms. We can create any form you can imagine or currently use.  

Learn more and schedule a demo if you think this might be a good fit for your office.

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